Now, what may happen in 2007 is that we suddenly feel desktops being very hot ground for innovation, and new ideas, desktop style ideas, coming through in Linux suddenly made the proprietary software guys feel like they have to catch up. Which is different of course [from] saying that 2007 will be a year when all suddenly really want to switch to Linux, but it could well be the year when suddenly Linux starts to pull ahead in terms of innovation with the pace of developments in change.
Šī frāze un vēl daudzas citas, kurām es piekrītu, ir pieejamas intervijā ar Marku Šatlvortu, kas ir paslīdējusi man garām, jo publicēta aizgājušā gada 29. decembrī. Šim vīram galva ir uz pleciem, piekrītat viņam vai nē.
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